Class notes

You can be a/an (insert here) on Youtube (or, how I learned about the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster)

Seth MacFarlane is an atheist? Well… knock me over with a feather! This is what’s going through my mind while I’m working at the instructor’s office in the depths of the RTV building. I’m reading Raymond Vanarragon’s piece on Family…
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Participatory cultures: Not your usual politics?

In 2007, began compiling a weekly top 10 list of political videos. At the time, the site had  been in existence for about a year. They were described as “a progressive political news Internet video channel featuring news, opinion…
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Women in American popular culture

Popular culture may seem all vapid and superficial, but it is undeniable that the most significant ideological battles of the Twentieth Century seep into popular forms of entertainment. Civil Rights spawned very special episodes on Little House on the Prairie,…
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The USA: Melting pot, Transnational America, or something else?

From: The Melting Pot “There she lies the great Melting Pot listen Can’t you hear the roaring and the bubbling There gapes her mouth, the harbour where a thousand mammoth feeders come from the ends of the world to pour…
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Frontiers, Westerns, and Myths

In 1893, Frederick Jackson Turner addressed the American Historical Association to suggest that western expansion significantly shaped American history, institutions, and character. This became known as the frontier thesis, and it is considered extremely influential  (Smith, 1995).  However, Turner’s frontier…
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